IFS Founder Richard Schwartz

IFS – What an amazing training experience! (pic of Dr Richard Schwartz Founder of Internal Family Systems)

My IFS journey has been interesting, fun and a return to the past. When I heard about IFS, I was not sure if it was for me. It sounded as if I have to work with my mom, dad and siblings to sort myself out. However, once I started to read and watch videos, I started to get more and more amazed at what it actually was. Amazed because I have been doing something like IFS since I was a child and now it has become this popular modality. The fact that someone recognised this as a way to work with internal conflicts, bring inner harmony and make it a system for others to train in, just blows me away.

I am able to see now what I used to do at the end of every day was connecting with my parts. I would go over everything that happened during the day and allow the discomforts & excitements to come forth and be seen and acknowledged. Once that happened, the energies would integrate with the system and I could sleep in peace. 

With IFS, I see the similarities explained using terms such as parts, protectors, manager, polarizations, exiles, etc. I’m so glad that I found this system and that I could train in it with the IFS Institute.

The lead trainers for my group were Ann Sinko and Sue Richmond, both with rich experience in years of IFS individual therapy and group work. My practitioner profile is on the IFS directory: https://ifs-institute.com/practitioners/all/111199

I have started to take clients for IFS one-on-one sessions and if you are interested in working with me, get in  touch at bringyaself@gmail.com and we’ll talk 🙂

From my Self and parts to yours!


A man and womrn hugging a tree

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