A heart shaped diamond with many facets
Online IFS with Rupali
Mindfulness and Creativity Coach on Stage

If you are seeking a compassionate and non-judgmental space to explore and heal your inner world, you have arrived at the right place.

I am an IFS Level 1 practitioner (soon to be trained in Level 2). Your time is precious and I offer convenient slots that work for busy people.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and uncover the wisdom and harmony within.


If you are one of those people who can never find a convenient time within office hours, you will be relieved. Because I work online, I can accommodate clients at times that other practitioners cannot offer. Early mornings and late evenings for those who have other priorities to juggle.

Befriending Protectors

By identifying and acknowledging the protectors, we start to build a trusting and compassionate relationship with them. Validating and helping them see their own stuckness, we befriend them and encourage them to let us help them with their job of protecting the system from harm.


As we continue to unblend with parts, you will start to get to know them intimately and understand their story. They have been waiting for you to meet them and get to know them with your innate wisdom.

Exquisite Attunement

Experience a state of deep empathetic connection and understanding for your inner system. My training in mindfulness and authentic relating gives me a strong foundation in present-moment awareness with which I witness of your inner experience. Building trust in every moment.


Each of the 8 C's guide will guide the sessions from start to finish. Connection, Curiosity, Compassion, Clarity, Courage, Creativity, Confidence and Calm.

working with exiles

When and only when, the befriended protectors permit us, we can approach and get to know your exiles and their deeply held pain that had been outcast. We meet them where they are and bring them to the present moment with grace and humility.

boat in autumn scene


As a practitioner, I have worked with creatives, career transitioners, empaths, therapists and startup founders.  Many of clients have referred me to their friends and colleagues. 

I have always been interested in people. To me, the depth in a person is what makes the connection special. Whether you are a thinker or a doer, there is deep wisdom inside each of us. In IFS, this wisdom is called Self-energy.

I find this work satisfying and energizing. My clients find me calming and grounding which helps because this work is for those who are ready to acknowledge their authenticity with guidance and care.

Daisies in a row
clients who trust ME

"Rupali is a highly skilled facilitator, who knows how to create a safe space and the right atmosphere and energy for people to feel comfortable to share and connect on a deep level."


ConnectedEconomy, Founder

“I have been working with Rupali for over a year now. My parts feel seen and held by her. Highly recommended.”

B. G.

Private IFS Client

“Rupali is so compassionate and really cares for my parts! My parts listen keenly when she speaks directly to them because they trust her and know that she has their backs!”

D. N.

Private IFS Client

Looking forward to meeting you and your parts

I offer a couple of lower cost spots for those who are in need. My fee scale starts from USD$90 to USD$200 for each 60 min sessions.

A Free 30-min consultation will allow our parts to meet and decide if we are a good fit. 

A heart shaped diamond with many facets